Saturday, May 8, 2010

Special or Interesting Facts, Anybody?

Back once more to create another post. This time I'm going to try enlightening you with things you probably didn't know about me. For example, everyone thinks that I bought the louisiana territory to expand the united states. Instead, that was just me deciding that if england had bought it, the united states would be surrounded!(Canada to the north, the louisiana territory to the west, and the sea to the south and east.)
Another, perhaps interesting would be the best way to put it, is that I was a nature lover, adorer, and basi
cally an environmentalist. I raced horses whenever I could. I was a surveyor. I wrote documents about the land and how it was shaped. The lay of the land was my playground of exploration when I was young. When I was older, I couldn't run around in the woods any more, so instead I sent Lewis and Clark on the journey through the louisiana territory. When they got back, I read their journals in hopes that I could re-live the woods through it. The journals only went so far. . .
One final thing I want to talk to you about is that I donated approximately 6,487 books to the government for the national library. Currently, the second largest recorded amount of books at that time was at around 3,000 books. Due to my generous donation, almost everyone who visited the national library found what they were looking for.

That's all for now,

Thomas Jefferson

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